The report uses market data to give an overview of Cloud computing in Italy, examining its progression and highlighting the changes taking place within large companies, SMEs and public authorities, in terms of how ICT services are chosen and acquired. We have identified the level of maturity and reasons determining the correct mix of Public Cloud solutions and internal models within the various fields of application. Other topics have been covered in this study, such as the Cloud value chain and how a lively market can create new business opportunities which are then exploited by new and traditional businesses alike, increasing the innovative value of this market. The report also covers new sourcing models and describes ongoing changes within ISV (Independent Software Vendor) business models, and examines Italian and international start-ups operating in the Cloud field.
- How much is the Cloud market worth in Italy? What makes up this expenditure?
- How widespread are Cloud solutions within Italian organisations, and what is their level of maturity?
- How is the Italian Cloud services offer structured? And the international offer?
- What is the panorama for start-ups operating in the Cloud field?
- What is changing on the SME horizon?
- Cloud computing in Italy and fields of interest
- Evolution in the IT value chain
- International environment
- Cloud and SMEs