The report provides an in-depth exploration of the key trends influencing eInvoicing in 2023, propelled by a global recognition of its importance, particularly within the European Union. Through a comprehensive analysis, the report examines national, supranational, and global dynamics shaping eInvoicing adoption and sheds light on the challenges and opportunities arising from this ever-evolving scenario.
The research delves into several critical aspects, including the introduction of B2g and B2b eInvoicing obligations at the national level, the pivotal role of Peppol as a viable solution for establishing a supranational eInvoicing system ensuring efficiency and interoperability, and the impacts stemming from transformative initiatives like the VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA) framework.
• What is the current state of B2g and B2b eInvoicing obligations in Europe and where are they headed?
• What is the state of the adoption of different eInvoicing models in Europe?
• What is the present and expected interplay between national eInvoicing systems and a potential supranational system for cross-border eInvoicing exchange?
• Where is the Peppol network as an eInvoicing headed and how is it currently used?
• What opportunities are enabled by Peppol in terms of interoperability between national and supranational systems?
• How is the VAT in the Digital Age framework expected to impact the eInvoicing landscape?
1. The spread of B2g and B2b eInvoicing obligations in Europe
2. Peppol as a cross-border eInvoicing eInvoicing solution
3. VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA) Proposal: results and impacts
4. About the International Observatory on Electronic Invoicing