The purpose of this document is to summarise the results of the 2017-2018 research of the Supply Chain Finance Observatory, which had the following objectives: Assess the potential and served Supply Chain Finance markets; Identify the business models used by the key players in the Supply Chain Finance market, including traditional operators and more innovative operators; Develop decision-making models to support companies looking to adopt nascent, innovative solutions, and covering not only invoice financing; develop models for assessing creditworthiness, focusing on integrating traditional methods and operational information; evaluate the role that innovative technologies (such as Blockchain, Big Data Analytics, Internet of Things) can play to support companies adopting Supply Chain Finance solutions. The results obtained show how SCF is increasingly becoming a real managerial discipline and is attracting the attention of many different types of player.
- How much is the Supply Chain Finance market in Italy worth? What changes can we see in terms of potential and served market compared to previous years? How does Italy compare with other key European countries?
- What is the role of startups and fintech companies in the Supply Chain Finance arena? Which players are emerging at international level? What business models do they use?
- There are new and innovative solutions appearing on the market: How to choose the best fit for your business? What role do new participants, such as logistics service providers, play?
- How important is information exchange for profiling a supply chain and for the financial evaluation of individual stakeholders?
- What are the new perspectives at international level?
- What is Supply Chain Finance?
- The Supply Chain Finance market
- Supply Chain Finance startups
- The logistics service providers’ business models
- Decision-making models for innovative Supply Chain Finance solutions
- Assessing creditworthiness: new perspectives for calculating probability of default
- The role of new technology in supporting Supply Chain Finance
- Supply Chain Finance: towards new perspectives