During 2018 Mobile Payment & Commerce in Italy began to have a significant impact on the overall payments landscape. The component that saw the biggest percentage increase was Mobile Proximity Payment which, having recorded its first figures in 2017, grew to a value of around €530 million in transactions (+650%), with more than one million active users. Proximity payments are also the component that has most potential for growth for the coming years. This growth is surely attributable to some extent to the arrival of services such as Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay, but also in no small part to the significant expansion – and regeneration – of non-NFC services.
The panorama could change further in coming years with the imminent spread of Open APIs, prompted by PSD2. This Report presents the results of The Mobile Payment & Commerce Observatory’s market quantification and study of the phenomenon in all its components: from analysing innovative trends, to gauging users’ opinions.
- How much is the digital payments market worth in Italy today? What are the growth forecasts, and the current trends?
- Which components come under the heading of New Digital Payments? How are they defined and what characteristics do they present?
- How are payments from mobile evolving? How much are Mobile Proximity Payment and Mobile Remote Payment worth?
- What are the main innovation developments in Mobile Payment & Commerce?
- What do Italian Mobile Wallet users think of the services offered?
- Open APIs for developing a "coopetitive" strategy
- The customer experience of mobile wallet service users and the opinion of non-users
- The mobile wallet user experience test: the needs of different age groups