2017 will be remembered for the approval of the law on Smart Working (Lavoro Agile), drafted as a measure to promote flexibility at work, but it will also be remembered for the publishing of the Madia bill which defines how these measures can be extended to the public sector.
More and more companies are experimenting with Smart Working, and projects launched in previous years continue to develop, adding new initiatives and expanding the number of people involved. Things are even starting to change in the public sector and among SMEs, although in a different shape and form than in large businesses.
Smart Working is increasing, but attention must remain firmly focused because on the one hand, the transformation of companies through Smart Working has only just begun, and on the other, Italy needs to catch up competitively with other countries that have much more modern ways of working, keeping up with digital evolution.
During this year, the Observatory has monitored the evolution of Smart Working in Italy through direct correspondence with the main business and institutional players. This year's Research also took a closer look at the spread of Smart Working in SMEs and analysed the technical start-ups that have developed solutions to support Smart Working.
The Observatory was also able to involve a representative panel of 1,034 workers in an online survey to find out about current work modes and the impact they have on aspects such as work performance and work-life balance.
- How is Smart Working evolving in Italy?
- How widespread is Smart Working in large companies, small and medium enterprises, the public sector?
- What are Smart Working best practices in Italy?
- How many Smart Workers are there in Italy? How does Smart Working affect people?
- Key Questions
- Introduction
- The regulatory evolution of Smart Working
- Smart Workers
- Smart Working in large companies in Italy
- The evolution of Smart Working in large companies: toward the Results Based Organization
- Small and medium enterprises
- Public Administrations
- The role of technology and the development of Digital Skills
- The innovative contribution of digital Start Ups to Smart Working
- The benefits of Smart Working
- What lies under the tip of the iceberg?
- Methodology Notes
- Smart Working Observatory
- Work Team
- Research Supporters
- School of Management