The Report presents the results of the 2020 Research by the Smart Working Observatory, which monitored the adoption levels of Smart Working in large enterprises, SMEs and in PA, examining the impacts and evolutions in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. The report outlines the initiatives undertaken to manage the emergency during its different phases; the problems and benefits reported by organizations and workers; and describes new ways of working for the “new normal”.
• How widespread was the practice of Smart Working in Italy before the COVID-19 emergency? What were the differences between PA, SMEs and large private enterprises?
• How many people worked remotely during the emergency lockdown?
• How has the COVID-19 emergency impacted the spread and evolution of Smart Working projects?
• What initiatives did public and private organizations undertake during the different phases of the emergency?
• How will the phenomenon evolve once the emergency is over?
- Smart Working and the COVID-19 emergency
- Digital technology initiatives during the emergency
- The problems and benefits of emergency work for organizations and for employees
- The second phase of the emergency
- Smart Working for the “new normal”
- Conclusions