The Evolution of the Digital Identity Lansdcape in 2024
What you will learn
The report presents the ongoing evolution of the digital identity market in 2024, describing two processes: the consolidation of existing digital identity systems and the transition to the wallet model, in response to market dynamics and the eIDAS2 regulatory review.
In detail, the report illustrates how these two processes impact the market globally, with a focus on what is happening in Italy. It also describes the point of views of companies adopting digital identity solutions, analyzing how approaches are changing in response to the transition to the wallet. Finally, the report describes how ongoing technological innovation is reshaping the digital identity market, enabling new processes and use cases.
Table of Contents
- 1The context of reference
- 2The Consolidation of National Digital Identity Systems
- 3The Transition to Wallet-Based Identity Systems
- 4The Adoption of Digital Identity Systems: A Corporate Perspective
- 5Technology and Market Evolution
Index of Graphs
- 1Open Workstreams in the Regulatory Revision Toward eIDAS2
- 2The Consolidation of Active Systems at the International Level in 2024
- 3The Adoption and Use of SPID and CIE
- 4Strategies Adopted by European Countries for the development of Digital Identity Wallet Projects
You will know how to answer these key questions
- What are the main digital identity evolution trends?
- How does eIDAS2 affect the digital identity market dynamics and the technology solutions available to users?
- How are European governments preparing for the transition to digital identity wallets?
- How is the adoption of existing digital identity systems evolving among companies and citizens?
- What changes are taking place in the context of digital identity in terms of new technologies and new market setups?
The methodology used in this Report
The Observatory, in order to provide a comprehensive overview of the state of digital identity, adopted a multi-methodological approach. Regarding the national landscape, systematic monitoring of the institutional dashboards of SPID, CIE and IO was continued in 2024, and data was collected and analyzed from the main Identity Providers (IdPs) of SPID and CIE, thanks to the collaboration of AgID and the Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato. In addition, targeted interviews were conducted with market players to understand the adoption of digital identity solutions in Italy.
Looking at the international context, several censuses were updated in 2024, including that of national digital identity systems (125 cases), digital identity wallets (114 active projects) and startups (with more than 450 cases). In addition, acquisition and merger transactions carried out in the last 5 years and patents registered in the same time period were analyzed.
Finally, the organization of thematic workshops and analysis of secondary sources (over 200 academic articles, technical-professional reports, and regulatory sources) supported the research.
Enrico Parenti
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