

Terms and conditions

It is recommended to read carefully the following general use conditions before using the website. 

The access to the website and any use of the information are under the following general use conditions (the “Conditions”). If you do not agree to the Conditions, please avoid any other use of the Website. Acceding to the Website you show your agreement with being legally obliged to follow the Conditions. (Observatories) has the right to change the conditions at any time. We therefore recommend you to periodically check the text, even if, in any case, the access to the Website will mean the acceptance to any variance in the content.

Warranty exclusion offers this Website without any warranty on its continuity and contents. In particular, does not grant any warranty, expressed or implicit, about the Website and its contents with reference to the ownership of information, to the absence of potentially dangerous programmes (as virus, worms and trojan horses) and to the suitability of the contents for specific purposes and commercial uses. does not guarantee the accuracy of the information. Moreover the presence of flaws and their correction may be possible. By accessing the site, take note of the fact that any use is at your sole risk ; in particular you assume full responsibility and risk of any loss of data, inability to use, and cost of repair of information technology equipment and software that you used have in relation to the access and use of the Site. If the possibility of excluding the implied guarantees is not recognized by a specific legal system, the content of exclusions that precede could not find, in whole or in part, application. will not be responsible at all for direct, indirect, specific or generic damages, without taking onto account the possibility that could know about the damages linked to the website. Where the possibility of excluding the implicit warranties is not recognised from a specific juridic judgement, the content off the exclusions may not find an actual application.

Limitation of responsibility does not respond in any way, for contractual and extra-contractual liability for any direct or indirect, actual or potential, specific or generic danger that may arise from the use , from the inability to use and / or the performance of any product, information or content on the site (irrespective of whether was aware or not of the possibility of the occurrence of such damage). Because some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, some of the above limitations may not apply.


By accessing the Site, you agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend, its subsidiaries and affiliates, its employees, directors and shareholders from any third party claims, damages, losses, costs, expenses (including relative fees and judicial reasonably incurred) arising from your use of the Site or in connection with it.

Copyright, brands and other intellectual property rights

This Site and all the material contained as a whole, is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. You may view, print and copy the contents of this Site ( including, without limitation, text, images, animation, videos, logo and drawings ) solely for personal, non-commercial nature. You may not use, modify, print, display, reproduce, distribute or publish the information contained in this Site without the written consent of This Site may contain material protected by intellectual property rights of others. In such cases, permitted uses should be verified with the owners or licensees of such rights so as from time to time identified in the Site.


All contributions or transmitted materials to Tod’s through the Site, including questions, comments, suggestions and related, linked to the content of the Site (” Contributions “) will not be considered confidential. In particular, will not be obliged in respect of such contributions and will be free to copy, use, disclose, display, modify, create derivative works of nature and / or publish the Contributions without any limitation or compensation due. In addition to the above, reserves the right to use without the requirement to recognize any compensation and / or consideration, ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in Contributions for any purpose, including, but not limited, production and / or marketing of products incorporating such Contributions.

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This Website may contain links to other Websites. declines every responsibility regarding all the contents and materials accessible through those websites or obtainable through them. All the links to other websites, as any other link to information from third parties, will not be considered an expressed or implicit support from Questions and/or comments regarding the websites linked will have to be headed just and only to the websites’ administrators. This Website may contain information from third parties, indicated each time, to which you will exclusively refer for any reason linked to their accuracy.


The material contained in this Site may present inaccuracies or typographical mistakes. disclaims any liability for losses or damages caused or related to the reliance by users of the Site on the information contained in it.. Therefore, it remains by and paid by the user the independent evaluation of the information published on this site. reserves the right to modify, at any time, the Site and its contents, without prior or subsequent notice.

Access and unauthorized use of the Website

Site users are allowed to only look at the documents indicated in its menu . Any unauthorized attempt to overcome or circumvent the protections of the Site is not permitted. Moreover, the use of the operating systems that run or are connected to the Website for any purpose other than their intended purposes is not allowed as well as the prohibition of its use to authorized users; also to access, obtain, destroy, alter, damage the information contained in it or to interfere with such systems . Any such behaviour/action will be taken without delay to the attention of the competent authorities and pursued in all appropriate civil and criminal penalties under applicable laws and international conventions.